Home HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF - Table of Write-ups
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HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF - Table of Write-ups

I’m hosting the files I was able to get on DropBox in case anyone wanted to try the challenges on their own after the fact. I’ll add more write-ups as I find them.


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Kryptos Support★☆☆☆The secret vault used by the
Longhir’s planet council, Kryptos,
contains some very sensitive
state secrets that Virgil and
Ramona are after to prove the
injustice performed by the
commission. Ulysses performed
an initial recon at their request
and found a support portal for
the vault. Can you take a look if
you can infiltrate this system?
Almond Force (Video)
Hilbert (Video)
BlinkerFluids★☆☆☆Once known as an imaginary
liquid used in automobiles to
make the blinkers work is now
one of the rarest fuels invented
on Klaus’ home planet Vinyr. The
Golden Fang army has a free
reign over this miraculous fluid
essential for space travel thanks
to the Blinker Fluids™ Corp.
Ulysses has infiltrated this
supplier organization’s one of
the HR department tools and
needs your help to get into their
server. Can you help him?
Almond Force (Video)
Hilbert (Video)
Amidst Us★☆☆☆The AmidstUs tribe is a notorious
group of sleeper agents for hire.
We have plausible reasons to
believe they are working with
Draeger, so we have to take
action to uncover their identities.
Ulysses and bonnie have
infiltrated their HQ and came
across this mysterious portal on
one of the unlocked computers.
Can you hack into it despite the
low visibility and get them
Almond Force (Video)
Intergalactic Post★☆☆☆The biggest intergalactic
newsletter agency has constantly
been spreading misinformation
about the energy crisis war.
Bonnie’s sources confirmed a
hostile takeover of the agency
took place a few months back,
and we suspect the Golden Fang
army is behind this. Ulysses
found us a potential access point
to their agency servers. Can you
hack their newsletter subscribe
portal and get us entry?
Acnologia Portal★★☆☆Bonnie has confirmed the
location of the Acnologia
spacecraft operated by the
Golden Fang mercenary. Before
taking over the spaceship, we
need to disable its security
measures. Ulysses discovered an
accessible firmware management
portal for the spacecraft. Can you
help him get in?
Spiky Tamagotchy★★☆☆Captain Spiky comes from a rare
species of creatures who can only
breathe underwater. During the
energy-crisis war, he was
captured as a war prisoner and
later forced to be a Tamagotchi
pet for a child of a general of
nomadic tribes. He is forced to
react in specific ways and
controlled remotely purely for
the amusement of the general’s
children. The Paraman crew
needs to save the captain of his
misery as he is potentially a great
asset for the war against Draeger.
Can you hack into the
Tamagotchi controller to rescue
the captain?
Red Island★★☆☆The Red Island of the glowing
sea is a proud tribe of species
that can only see red colors.
Hence every physical item,
picture, and poster on this island
is masked with red colors. The
Golden Fang army took
advantage of the color weakness
of the species of Red Island to
smuggle illegal goods in and out
of the island behind the
ministry’s back. Without an
invitation, it’s impossible to get
entry to the island. So we need
to hack the ministry and send us
an invite from the inside to stop
the atrocities of Draeger’s men
on this island. As always, Ulysses,
with his excellent recon skills, got
us access to one of the portals of
the Red Island ministry. Can you
gain access to their networks
through this portal?
 Mattia Codato
Mutation Lab★★☆☆One of the renowned scientists in
the research of cell mutation, Dr.
Rick, was a close ally of Draeger.
The by-products of his research,
themutant army wrecked a lot of
havoc during the energy-crisis
war. To exterminate the leftover
mutants that now roam over the
abandoned areas on the planet
Vinyr, we need to acquire the cell
structures produced in Dr. Rick’s
mutation lab. Ulysses managed
to find a remote portal with
minimal access to Dr. Rick’s
virtual lab. Can you help him
uncover the experimentations of
the wicked scientist?
Hilbert (Video)
Genesis Wallet★★★☆To weaken the Golden Fang
army, we must cut off their
funding of the Genesis coins.
Ulysses managed to perform a
phishing attack against one of
the financial operators of the
mercenary and retrieved the
login credentials
“icarus:FlyHighToTheSky” for the
Genesis wallet. However, the
account is protected with 2FA.
Can you hack into this renowned
intergalactic wallet and move
their funds to your account?
Genesis Wallet’s
★★★☆The previous attempts to get
access to the financial operator’s
account of the Golden Fang army
failed, and the Genesis platform
went under heavy security
modifications to patch any
potential issues it might have.
Luckily, the operator’s credentials
remained the same
“icarus:FlyHighToTheSky”. Can
you bypass the 2FA protection
and hack into the wallet account
of that operator to drain his
CheckpointBots★★★☆The evergreen Earth was seized
by the nomadic tribes of the
Glowing Sea during the energy
crisis war that turned beautiful
Japan into a war-torn
autonomous region of militarized
activities. Even after Draeger’s
defeat, the once proud nation of
Japan was still under the captivity
of the nomadic tribes and is
currently at war with other
regions. At the request of the
Earth liberation front, Ulysses and
the crew decided to help
infiltrate their headquarters in
the Kyoto region. Can you disarm
the Checkpoint bots that roam
around the city of Kyoto?


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Space Pirate:
★☆☆☆D12 is one of Golden Fang’s
missile launcher spaceships. Our
mission as space pirates is to
highjack D12, get inside the
control panel room, and access
the missile launcher system. To
achieve our goal, we split the
mission into three parts. In this
part, all we need to do is bypass
the scanning system and open the
gates so that we proceed further.
Space pirate:
Going Deeper
★☆☆☆We are inside D12! We bypassed
the scanning system, and now we
are right in front of the Admin
Panel. The problem is that there
are some safety mechanisms
enabled so that not everyone can
access the admin panel and
become the user right below
Draeger. Only a few of his
intergalactic team members have
access there, and they are the
mutants that Draeger trusts. Can
you disable the mechanisms and
take control of the Admin Panel?
Space pirate:
★☆☆☆We got access to the Admin
Panel! The last part of the mission
is to change the target location of
the missiles. We can probably
target Draeger’s HQ or some
other Golden Fang’s spaceships.
Draeger’s HQ might be out of the
scope for now, but we can
certainly cause significant damage
to his army.
Vault-breaker★☆☆☆Moneymaker, Big Boy Bonnie has
a crew of his own to do his dirty
jobs. On a tiny little planet a few
lightyears away, a custom-made
vault has been found by his crew.
Something is hidden inside it, can
you find out the way it works and
bring it to Bonnie?
Fleet Management★☆☆☆Reading through an Underground
Intergalactic hacking forum
Bonnie stumbles upon a post
talking about a backdoor in the
Gold Fang’s Spaceship Fleet
Management System. There is a
note about a twist added by the
author to prevent anyone from
using the backdoor. Will Bonnie
achieve to gain access to Gold
Fang’s internal network and
retrieve precious documents?
Hellbound★★☆☆In one of Bonnie’s first missions, a
helpless dog was injured by the
laser guns during the fierce fight
and was unable to move and
escape the war scene. Bonnie
took the dog and fled the battle,
but not much he could do to help
the poor dog. Some of the crew’s
doctors and engineers, made
some mutations and added
artificial parts to the dog, making
it a living war machine under
Bonnie’s control. After the last
fight, something hit the
manufactured parts, making them
malfunction and driving the dog
berserk. Can you fix them and
make the dog loyal under
Bonnie’s control again?
CryptoCat (Video)
Bon-nie-appetit★★☆☆After the successful hijacking of
the D12 spaceship during the
Space Pirate mission, the crew
managed to place a signal
transmitter on a vending machine
that the Golden Fang’s members
are using to order food from the
Supplier Spacecraft of Draeger.
Golden Fang’s crew’s favorite
food contains a secret ingredient
called “Little Green People”, which
we do not have further info about.
The signal passes through many
satellites before it reaches the
Supplier, so it won’t be easy to
track the device and the leaked
signal. Can you take advantage of
it and get control of the Supplier?
Trick or Deal★★☆☆Bonnie and his crew arrive on
planet Longhir to get equipped
with the latest weaponry, but the
intergalactic weapon dealer
refuses to sell them weapons
because he has a trade agreement
with Draeger, the Alien Overlord,
thus Bonnie has to employ his
neat exploitation tricks to
persuade the dealer into selling
them weapons.
Sabotage★★★☆Draeger ordered Thanatos, the
destroyer under the Golden Fang
flag, to annihilate our defense
base with a super laser beam
capable of destroying whole
planets. Bonnie and his crew go
for a sabotage-suicide mission in
order to stop Thanatos before it’s
too late.
Once and for all★★★☆This is the final countdown, our
last chance to face the evil galaxy
overlord Draeger. No mistakes are
allowed, we need to give it
everything we have to build the
finest, most powerful weapon
ever made to defeat him. Bonnie
assembled his crew to discuss and
craft it with every resource
possible. Will we manage to make


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Android-in-the-Middle★☆☆☆Years have passed since Miyuki
rescued you from the graveyard.
When Virgil tells you that he needs
your help with something he found
there, desperate thoughts about
your father and the disabilities you
developed due to the disposal
process come to mind. The device
looks like an advanced GPS with AI
capabilities. Riddled with questions
about the past, you are pessimistic
that you could be of any value.
After hours of fiddling and
observing the power traces of this
strange device, you and Virgil
manage to connect to the
debugging interface and write an
interpreter to control the signals.
The protocol looks familiar to you.
Your father always talked about
implementing this scheme in
devices for security reasons. Could
it have been him?
Tell No Tales
Hilbert (Video)
Jenny From
The Block
★☆☆☆Intrigued by the fact that you have
found something your father made,
and with much confidence that you
can be useful to the team, you rush
excitedly to integrate “Jenny” into
the spaceship’s main operating
system. For weeks, everything went
smoothly, until you ran into a
meteor storm. Having little to no
data of training, the AI is now
malfunctioning. Ulysses freaks out
because he can no longer control
the spaceship due to the AI
overriding his manual commands.
Big banging noises terrify your crew
members. Everything is shaking. It’s
time to act. Do you think you can
temporarily shut down “Jenny” until
she becomes more sophisticated?
DownloadTell No Tales
The Three-Eyed
★☆☆☆Feeling very frustrated for getting
excited about the AI and not
thinking about the possibility of it
malfunctioning, you blame the
encryption of your brain. Feeling
defeated and ashamed to have put
Miyuki, who saved you, in danger,
you slowly walk back to the lab.
More determined than ever to find
out what’s wrong with your brain,
you start poking at one of its chips.
This chip is linked to a decision-
making algorithm based on human
intuition. It seems to be encrypted…
but some errors pop up when
certain user data is entered. Is there
a way to extract more information
and fix the chip?
DownloadTell No Tales
How The Columns
Have Turned
★☆☆☆A day before the memorial of the
Dying Sun, Miyuki began talking
about Broider, a death squad
commander and a friend of Paulie’s
capturer. He would be a party guest
at Viryr’s palace. After examining a
lot of different scenarios, Miyuki
came up with a plan in which Paulie
would lure Broider to a secluded
location so the group could capture
him. Following the plan, a wild chase
had just begun when the two looked
each other in the eye. After an
extremely risky maneuver, Paulie
outwitted Broider and led him into
an alley in Vinyr’s undercity. The
plan was a success. Your squad had
managed to capture Broider and
bring him back to the ship. After
hours of interrogation by Ulysses, he
revealed the final key to a series of
encrypted messages. Can you find a
way to decrypt the others? The flag
consists entirely of uppercase
characters and has the form
have to add the {} yourself.
DownloadTell No Tales
Hilbert (Video)
MOVs Like Jagger★★☆☆While following the breadcrumbs
from the secret messages you
managed to recover from Broider,
Bonnie gathered more information
from his well trusted “Tsirakia” and
found out that the messages were
about the destinations of a STS
(Space Transportation Ship). The
STS, named “Paketo”, is a
notoriously large spaceship that
transports military supplies for the
Golden Fang mercenary army. After
spending some time observing the
seemingly random trajectory of
Paketo, you and Paulie manually
plotted the delivery locations and
realized that the STS’s orbit forms an
elliptic curve. Your spaceship’s
advanced technology GPS has
calculated the exact parameters of
the curve. Can you somehow predict
Paketo’s final destination and hijack
Find Marher’s Secret★★☆☆After figuring out the destination of
Paketo, Ulysses devised a hijacking
plan to sabotage the delivery of the
military equipment. Despite efforts,
the plan did not work as expected
and a battle ensued. Since your
movement was restricted, Miyuki
ordered you to hide behind a huge
container with unknown contents in
fear of taking more damage. Seeing
all the killings of the manipulated
cyborgs (code named: Marher)
brought back memories of your time
on the graveyard planet. Suddenly, a
cyborg appeared in front of you.
Unable to move from the shock,
death was all you could think about.
Fortunately, Ulysses manages to
save you at the last second by
knocking the cyborg unconscious.
You bring it back to the laboratory
to use some of its functionalities to
repair parts of your brain. You
discover that all of its components
are encrypted. Can you find a way to
extract the secret key?
Memory Acceleration★★☆☆While everyone was asleep, you
were pushing the capabilities of
your technology to the max. Night
after night, you frantically tried to
repair the encrypted parts of your
brain, reversing custom protocols
implemented by your father,
wanting to pinpoint exactly what
damage had been done and
constantly keeping notes because of
your inability of forming new
memories. On one of those nights,
you had a flashback. Your father had
always talked about a new
technology and how it would
change the galaxy. You realized that
he had used it on you. This
technology dealt with a proof of a
work function and decentralized
networks. Along with Virgil’s help,
you had a “Eureka!” moment, but his
approach, brute forcing, meant
draining all your energy. Can you
find a quicker way to validate new
memory blocks?
Down the Rabinhole★★☆☆Miyuki, wanting to find out more
evidence about Draeger and his
escape, planned a space trip to the
maximum security black hole where
Draeger was held captive. Problems
though soon arose as the approach
to the black hole caused distortions
on your electronics. Memories of the
traumatic experience you had when
the Council guards brutally ripped
you from your father’s hands
painfully flooded your mind. The
one thing you never forgot was the
signal he sent you while you were
still within range of the planet. Only
two packets got through, but since
they were encrypted you couldn’t
figure out what they were. Now,
being more determined than ever to
find your father, having gained
experience during the missions with
the squad, you know that it’s time
to decrypt the signal.
Hilbert (Video)
Mind In The Clouds★★★☆Mysterious kidnappings of Longhir’s
best scientists began to occur ever
since Draeger gained influence in
the council, a fact known to
everyone in the troupe. Virgil was
certain that these kidnappings had
something to do with Meiro and the
neuro-linked technology he helped
develop. He also knew that Draeger
wanted to experiment by uploading
minds to the cloud and then
connecting them to androids. These
thoughts ran through Miyuki’s mind
while she was searching for clues in
the prison. After finding no signs
that indicated a physical escape, she
concluded that Draeger hadn’t
actually escaped. Instead, he had
somehow initiated a backup version
of his mind, which he had
downloaded into an unknown body.
Upon hearing Miyuki’s conclusions,
the team was in a rather charged
mood. As you sit in the corner,
almost paralyzed by the crippling
news, you can only think of one
thing: Is your father in the cloud/s
One Step Closer★★★☆Reading out loud Danbeer’s
thoughts from the cloud server
shocked everyone. Knowing that
your father has become a
consciousness that can be easily
turned off and on is traumatizing.
You are overwhelmed by your
feelings and angry at yourself. You
begin to ask yourself. Why am I
feeling so much pain? Is there a part
of my brain that is still encrypted?
Have I screwed up again? You run
towards the lab while shouting and
slamming the doors behind you.
Upon seeing that, Ulysses
immediately flees the spaceship.
Many days have passed and you are
still obsessed with finding the part
of your brain that needs to be
repaired. Your comrades are startled
by your sudden introversion and
worry about Ulysses, who is
nowhere to be seen. Weeks have
passed and Ulysses is still missing.
Suddenly, the ship receives a
docking signal and as you scan the
alien spacecraft for signs of life, a
male passenger is discovered. It’s
Ulysses! Excited, he rushes out of his
capsule and overtakes the crew
members, that longed to hug him to
get to your lab. Ulysses informs you
that he has managed to steal one of
the cloud backup servers from the
facility where the experiments took
place. It seems that this device alters
the consciousness of each test
subject. Stunned by this information,
a realization comes to mind. You are
going to get your father back.


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
WIDE★☆☆☆We’ve received reports that Draeger
has stashed a huge arsenal in the
pocket dimension Flaggle Alpha.
You’ve managed to smuggle a
discarded access terminal to the
Widely Inflated Dimension Editor
from his headquarters, but the entry
for the dimension has been
encrypted. Can you make it inside
and take control?
Almond Force (Video)
Omega One★☆☆☆You’ve been sent to the library
planet Omega-One. Here, records
from all over the galaxy are
collected, sorted and archived with
perfect efficiency. You need to
retrieve records about Draeger’s
childhood, but the interface is
impossibly large. Can you unravel
the storage system?
Almond Force (Video)
Rebuilding★☆☆☆You arrive on a barren planet,
searching for the hideout of a
scientist involved in the Longhir
resistance movement. You touch
down at the mouth of a vast cavern,
your sensors picking up strange
noises far below. All around you,
ancient machinery whirrs and spins
as strange sigils appear and change
on the walls. You can tell that this
machine has been running since
long before you arrived, and will
continue long after you’re gone.
Can you hope to understand its
DownloadAlmond Force (Video)
Without a Trace★☆☆☆Draeger’s mothership has suddenly
vanished, he could be readying an
attack! You need to track him down
before disaster strikes…
DownloadAlmond Force (Video)
Snakecode★☆☆☆We found this ancient text inscribed
on a stone tablet. We believe it
describes the history and
technology of a mighty but extinct
civilization, but we can’t be certain
as it’s written in a dead language.
Can you use your specialist
knowledge to uncover the truth,
and recover their technology?
Nuts and Bolts★★☆☆We’ve broken into Golden Fang’s
main weapons assembly facility! If
we want to steal them for ourselves,
we’ll need to crack their top-secret
bio-encoded locking scheme. Can
you disassemble the weapons in
Teleport★★☆☆You’ve been sent to a strange
planet, inhabited by a species with
the natural ability to teleport. If
you’re able to capture one, you may
be able to synthesise lightweight
teleportation technology. However,
they don’t want to be caught, and
disappear out of your grasp - can
you get the drop on them?
DownloadAlmond Force (Video)
Indefinite★★★☆You hold in one hand an encrypted
datastream, and in the other the
central core of a Golden Fang
communications terminal. Countless
spies have risked their lives to steal
both the encrypted attack plans,
and the technology used to conceal
it, and bring them to you for expert
analysis. To your horror, as you turn
the screws on the core, its defense
mechanisms spring to life,
concealing and covering its
workings. You have minutes to
spare before the device destroys
itself - can you crack the code?
Freaky Forum
★★★☆You’ve arrived on the planet Drion-1,
where the high galactic court is
based. You’ve come to spread the
word about the dangers of Draeger,
and gather support, but thousands
upon thousands of other lifeforms
are also here to argue, squabble and
dispute, speaking a thousand
different languages. Can you make
yourself heard above the babble?
Shuffleme★★★☆Intelligence indicates that the
ancient data storage device you’ve
obtained contains schematics for a
never-before-seen weapon. But
there’s a problem - it’s locked, and
strange symbiotic lifeforms on its
surface are constantly removing
parts and reinserting them
elsewhere. Can you get a clear
picture of what’s going on?


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Puppeteer★☆☆☆Planet Longhir is known for it’s top-
tier researchers. Due to their
dedication in science and
engineering, their military
equipment is the most advanced
one in the galaxy. In fact, the
prototype DES-3000, a self-
propelled precision-strike missile
that is capable of reaching targets
even in Ratnik galaxy, is being used
to disable Galactic Federation’s
communication satellites. The
mystery that Miyuki is trying to
solve is, how the satellite’s location
was leaked since it is a top-sercret
that only Galactic Federation’s
council is aware of. Help her
analyse the Council’s HQ event logs
and solve this mystery.
Almond Force (Video)
★☆☆☆Emergency! A space station near
Urkir was compromised. Although
Urkir is considered to be the very
embodiment of the neutral state, it
is rich of fuel substances, something
that Dreager is very much interested
in. Thus, there are now fears that the
intergalactic war will also affect this
neutral planet. If Draeger and his
mercenaries manage to maintain
unauthorised access in Urkir’s space
station and escalate their privileges,
they will soon be able to activate the
station’s defence mechanisms that
are able to prevent any spaceship
from entering Urkir’s airspace. For
now, the infected machine is
isolated until the case is closed. Help
Miyuki find their persistence
mechanisms so they cannot gain
access again.
Almond Force (Video)
★☆☆☆Miyuki’s team stores all the evidence
from important cases in a shared
RAID 5 disk. Especially now that the
case IMW-1337 is almost
completed, evidences and clues are
needed more than ever.
Unfortunately for the team, an
electromagnetic pulse caused by
Draeger’s EMP cannon has partially
destroyed the disk. Can you help her
and the rest of team recover the
content of the failed disk?
Automation★★☆☆Vinyr’s threat intelligence is
monitoring closely all APT groups
from every possible galaxy,
especially the most dangerous one,
longhir. As stated by an anonymous
threat intelligence officer, the
malicious actors tend to automate
their initial post-exploitation
enumeration so they can have less
on-keyboard time. You can find such
an example in the provided network
capture generated by a recent
incident. Analyse it and find out
what they are up to.
DownloadAlmond Force (Video)
Free Services★★☆☆Intergalactic Federation stated that
it managed to prevent a large-scale
phishing campaign that targeted all
space personnel across the galaxy.
The enemy’s goal was to add as
many spaceships to their space-
botnet as possible so they can
conduct distributed destruction of
intergalactic services (DDOIS) using
their fleet. Since such a campaign
can be easily detected and
prevented, malicious actors have
changed their tactics. As stated by
officials, a new spear phishing
campaign is underway aiming high
value targets. Now Klaus asks your
opinion about a mail it received
from “sales@unlockyourmind.gal”,
claiming that in their galaxy it is
possible to recover it’s memory back
by following the steps contained in
the attached file.
Seized★★★☆Miyuki is now after a newly formed
ransomware division which works
for Longhir. This division’s goal is to
target any critical infrastructure and
cause financial losses to their
opponents. They never restore the
encrypted files, even if the victim
pays the ransom. This case is the
number one priority for the team at
the moment. Miyuki has seized the
hard-drive of one of the members
and it is believed that inside of
which there may be credentials for
the Ransomware’s Dashboard. Given
the AppData folder, can you retrieve
the wanted credentials?
Precious Guidance★★★☆Miyuki has come across what seems
to be a suspicious process running
on one of her spaceship’s navigation
systems. After investigating the
origin of this process, it seems to
have been initiated by a script called
“SatelliteGuidance.vbs”. Eventually,
one of your engineers informs her
that she found this file in the
spaceship’s Intergalactic Inbox and
thought it was an interactive guide
for the ship’s satellite operations.
She tried to run the file but nothing
happened. You and Miyuki start
analysing it and notice you don’t
understand its code… it is
obfuscated! What could it be and
who could be behind its creation?
Use your skills to uncover the truth
behind the obfuscation layers.
Reflection★★★☆You and Miyuki have succeeded in
dis-empowering Draeger’s army in
every possible way. Stopped their
fuel-supply plan, arrested their
ransomware gang, prevented
massive phishing campaigns and
understood their tactics and
techniques in depth. Now it is the
time for the final blow. The final
preparations are completed.
Everyone is in their stations waiting
for the signal. This mission can only
be successful if you use the element
of surprise. Thus, the signal must
remain a secret until the end of the
operation. During some last-minute
checks you notice some weird
behaviour in Miyuki’s PC. You must
find out if someone managed to
gain access to her PC before it’s too
late. If so, the signal must change.
Time is limited and there is no room
for errors.


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Compressor★☆☆☆Ramona’s obsession with
modifications and the addition of
artifacts to her body has slowed her
down and made her fail and almost
get killed in many missions. For this
reason, she decided to hack a tiny
robot under Golden Fang’s
ownership called “Compressor”,
which can reduce and increase the
volume of any object to
minimize/maximize it according to
the needs of the mission. With this
item, she will be able to carry any
spare part she needs without adding
extra weight to her back, making her
fast. Can you help her take it and
hack it?
Almond Force (Video)
Matrioshka Brain★☆☆☆The possibility of a weapon that
alters the very core of the structure
of the universe itself is beyond even
the wildest imaginations. Or is it?
Ramona and Paulie are
exeperimenting with concentric
Dyson spheres to achieve the
impossible, to harvest the energy of
an entire quasar in order to create
such a weapon. The exepriments
showed that five spheres are the
optimal solution. Alas, the thermal
equilibrium is still a pressing issue
they need to figure out. They
measure the temperature of each
sphere for every minute. Now all
that is left is to properly analyze the
data and figure out why there are so
many thermal inconsistencies
Fuel Crisis★☆☆☆After travelling for too many light
years, we managed to reach an
uninhabited planet to rest for a
while. We got a problem though.
Phalcon is running out of fuel and
we need to stop at the nearest space
station to refuel. The closest one is
the B1-4S3D station, where we are
unfortunately banned from docking
our ship. Our surveillance showed
that the station uses two OCR
cameras to read the unique ID of
each spaceship entering. The first
one is used as a validator for the
second one. We’ve managed to find
a way to disable the validation
process for a split second while our
ship passes, but we still need to pass
through the second camera.
Furthermore, our lead hacker
opened a connection with the
second camera, which we can use to
upload our custom model weights.
Try to find a way to change the
predictions of the model when we
pass through the second gate. Be
careful though, the other four
spaceships that are in front of us
need to be ID’d correctly so no
suspicion raises.
Battle in OrI/On★★☆☆The spaceship cruiser has been hit!
Ramona must hurry and check if the
central system is intact! The enemy
must have used electromagnetic
wave canons! The spaceship’s
sensors are going crazy and the
autopilot system broke down! There
is no chance to turn back the enemy
will be waiting… But there is a
meteor shower ahead! In order to
get through safely, the spaceship’s
power and consumption need to be
balanced. Both the laser canons and
the thrusters are vital parts for this…
And she has to control them
manually! Quickly! Ramona needs to
upload a valid configuration file to
overwrite the values of all sensors
on board. The onboard neural
network will verify that the new
configuration leads to the required
power distribution. Attention! The
values of the sensors must be at
least 99.99% accurate for this to
work! Hurry now, time is running
Quantum Engine★★☆☆We need to travel to one of
Draeger’s lair in a galaxy far away
from here, to search for any clues
that might help us prove how
Draeger manipulated her to be his
most trustworthy cold-blooded
assassin. However, traveling there
can be quite difficult since it’s
flooded with the most state-of-the-
art IFGs attack spacecrafts. Should
we be able to outspeed them, we
might have a chance of making it
there in one piece. That is why we
came to you. Word on the solar
system is that you are one of the
best quantum mechanics of the
galaxy, which I find odd considering
your age. Will you be able to modify
Phalcon’s acceleration system so no
IFG spacecraft can ever catch us?
Spaceship Hijack★★★☆After the successful mission of
Space Pirate, Bonnie ordered
Ramona to hijack another spaceship
on her own on a stealth mission.
She managed to get inside it and
had limited access to the central
controller. By reverse-engineering
the controller, we figured out that it
uses a unique set of VM instructions
with limited capabilities. Can you
help her break out of this VM and
gain unlimited access?
★★★☆After a severe clash with one of
Golden Fang’s battleships,
Ramona’s spaceship was damaged,
and now it consumes fuel at the
triple cost. Can you reach home
without running out of fuel? Our
best option is to travel through
wormholes otherwise, the
spaceship will be left wandering
in space and become prey to
Golden Fang’s army.


Challenge NameDifficultyDescriptionFilesLinks
Space Pulses★☆☆☆One of our enhanced radio
telescopes captured some weird
fluctuations from a nearby star. It
was idle for decades due to the
fact that it was fully enclosed by a
Dyson Sphere but its patterns
began to change drastically
leading us to believe that
someone is controlling part of the
megastructure to release energy
and send these pulses directed to
us in order to transmit a message.
They must have known that our
equipment can read even the
slightest fluctuations.
Through fire n gates★☆☆☆After Ramona helped Virgil escape
from the prison they were holding
him they had to find a way to flee
the planet but all the spaceships
were grounded. Luckily they
manage to gain access to a
hangar with decommissioned
escape pods. After some tinkering
with the pod’s control panel, they
managed to attach some probes
to it and reverse engineer the
proprietary protection circuit but
some of it appears to be
damaged. The only thing holding
them back was finding a way to
gain access to the flight control
Into the Matrix★★☆☆After a long time away it is finally
time to get back all the equipment
build all those years. While going
through the hardware devices to
reconfigure or upgrade them one
of them seemed a bit off. It
appears that someone was toying
with a few of the devices,
changing and breaking the hard-
wired components which resulted
in some of them malfunctioning.
The status matrix in one of the
armor-enhancing weapons seems
to display random indications
making the weapon selection
system unusable. This, combined
with the fact that most of the
circuitry is now under a hard
epoxy resin makes it impossible
to reconfigure the hardware
connection, thus the only solution
is to reverse engineer the current
device layout and add an
additional circuitry that will work
around the current one.
Secret Codes★★☆☆A sudden burst of RF signals
started in an attempt to
compromise our perimeter
security. We intercepted a few of
them but our ADC broke during
the transformation to a serial
signal leaving us with only an
analog capture. We need to
decode it and find if they are
close to finding the correct
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